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Eudaimonia Group is a financial resources firm that provides human expertise and robust technology to support holistic wealth managers who serve their clients with respect, excellence, and successful outcomes. We call our process Lifevesting®.

Why We Do This

We believe financial advisers who care about their clients deserve to partner with a firm transparently structured so that both can flourish. We established Eudaimonia Group with that singular mission: to create true opportunity for financial advisers and their clients to have better lives and thrive. 

Why We're Better

Our structure guarantees independence for financial advisers.

  • No up-front fees to become a Eudaimonia Group financial adviser partner.

  • Superior compensation and favorable agreements for financial advisers that transform them into genuine business owners.

  • A culture that prizes our relationship with each financial adviser and supports direct relationships with their clients to promote mutual trust and best outcomes for all.

  • Transparency in our relationship with each financial adviser.

  • No lock-ins. Your clients and businesses are yours.

Why We Want You

Achieving our mission and living our values depend on partnering with a select cohort of financial professionals that share our vision and values.


In Greek, Eudaimonia (U•da•mōn•ēya) means contented state of health, happiness and prosperity.



615.205.3510 |

818 18th Avenue South, Suite 950
Nashville, Tennessee 37203

1791 Bypass Road

Winchester, TN 37398


Investment advisory services offered through Eudaimonia Partners, LLC, Eudaimonia Advisors, LLC and Eudaimonia Asset Management, LLC, our federally registered investment advisors. Eudaimonia Partners, LLC, Eudaimonia Advisors, LLC and Eudaimonia Asset Management, LLC are affiliated registered investment advisors under common ownership and control of Eudaimonia Group. LLC.

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