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11 Reasons Why the RIA Model is Superior to Other Models: Reason #3

Scott Poore, AIF, AWMA, APMA

Last month we highlighted Reason #2 of our 11-part series on why the RIA model is superior to other models for financial advisors. This week's installment is Reason #3 - More Flexibility on How to Charge for Services. This article focuses on the need for flexibility with regard to fees as the financial services industry may look very different 15 years from now. At Eudaimonia, our Advisors own their practices so they control what services they will offer and how they will charge for those services.

Click below to access the article.




In Greek, Eudaimonia (U•da•mōn•ēya) means contented state of health, happiness and prosperity.



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Investment advisory services offered through Eudaimonia Partners, LLC, Eudaimonia Advisors, LLC and Eudaimonia Asset Management, LLC, our federally registered investment advisors. Eudaimonia Partners, LLC, Eudaimonia Advisors, LLC and Eudaimonia Asset Management, LLC are affiliated registered investment advisors under common ownership and control of Eudaimonia Group. LLC.

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